Wednesday, July 22, 2015

The Complicated Simplicity of it All

As I write you, I have four of our girls playing around and jumping on the bed, and on the phone is one of the young men we have trained up and is now in bible training.  It is one of those moments when you realize the most important thing you can do is what is in front of you right now.  The thing that is so confusing to many people is that it looks different in different times.  But it should always be clothed in love.  For us, and our family, it does not have a formula or any boundaries.  There is nothing below me (cleaning, washing, changing diapers, etc) and there is nothing above me (pastoring, speaking, etc.)  As long as I am lifting HIM up so that all can see HIM, and have the loving care and relationship that HE so longingly desires: intimate constant life with God.  So I will end now, and enjoy more snuggles, and encourage my son in Christ on the PHONE, and my adopted daughter in Christ as she skypes us, and my girls as they insist on climbing uncomfortably all over me as we continue on this amazing Journey.

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