Sunday, July 26, 2015

Where Ever You Go, There You Are

Our true calling at this moment came when we lived in Texas and we realized that the who you are is the real issue, and not where you are.  I say this because in the middle of all that we get to do, we need to keep are eyes on Him and allow Him to be with, and be involved in all that we do.  We get to actively love God as we actively love others.  The things that we do are important, but, if not done in Him, with love, then all of this will wither up.  Over the next blogs we will tell you stories and things that are going on, but always remember it is through His grace, strength and power that any of it happens.


  1. LOVE this love you guys! So encouraged.
    -excited girl

  2. I love the Where you go, there you are! Every situation we enter after receiving Jesus, is a calling and we should ask "What does God want me to do here?" Nothing that happens to us does not pass through God's Hands first. We are missionaries in every life situation. LOVED the outfit for career day!
