Zoom with Zoé 2021 Vlogs
Dec 30th, 2021
Dec 16th, 2021
Typhoon Rai (Odette) impact in the Philippines, flooding and wind destruction, evacuation from Pandan to the Church, bridges washed out, Annamae sick but stranded not able to return to work until bridges fixed. Great day on Ruth with 3 pregnancy tests and 4 ultrasounds and all the patients came because they saw Ruth in their Christmas parade. In another location 5 abortion minded ultrasounds, 3 are choosing to parent. Elf Olympics with Bartle kids, club house at the community with lots of kids and they have invested in the club house as well. Christmas in the Philippines.
Dec 9
Dec 2
Nov 21
Nov 18th, 2021
Nov 11, 2021
Nov 4, 2021
Oct 28,2021
Oct 21,2021
Oct 14, 2021
Oct 7, 2021
Aug 25,2021
Aug 4, 2021
July 21, 2021
June 9, 2021
May 19th, 2021
May 12th, 2021
April 28th, 2021
April 14th, 2021 .
March 24th, 2021.
Mar 10,2021
Mar 3, 2021
February Video Blogs
Weather snow storm, not taking things for granted, power outages, "Gracias El Senior" in Nicaragua and then in the Philippines, what do we have instead of what do we not have, plan A and B and C, but God works in it all (a vacation that was paid for way in advance lined up with the week after the fire), van breaks down and we hiked the rest of the way, rebuilding houses in the Philippines, everyone is related. Bekah lost internet for a number of days which made online school difficult, a new Philippine visa category has been granted entry (investors), earth balls in the Philippines, Regie passed her boards, friends who lost their son we will head to Portland for a memorial service and support, welcome to visit Albany.
Feb 10, 2021
(click on the date not the image for the link to the vlog).
Feb 3, 2021
(click on the date not the image for the link to the vlog).
January Video Blogs
Jan 20, 2021
(click on the date not the image for the link to the vlog)
Jan 14, 2021
(click on the date not the image for the link to the vlog)
"It seemed like a good idea."
(click on the date not the image for the link to the vlog)
Finishing up with quarantine, feeling better just tired, going to Dallas tomorrow, orientation this weekend, picture in a cloud in India, musical feet with street kid camp in India, treating lice, living with lice keeping them at bay, sleeping under a house on mountain outreach in the Philippines, Marko's song "My Ameoba," fresh news Philippines locking down more to foreigners because of second strain of COVID, vaccine plan.