Thursday, October 8, 2015

Porch Ministry and Education

There used to be a fence in front of our house but we wanted the community to feel more welcome so we built an open porch. One of the things we do with it is put different books out for people to see.  Some have never seen books or some of the things  that we put out.  Any where from sports, to the bible in comic form, to science facts about the ocean.  It is a simple thing and it opens up doors and is a simple way to bless and teach them.  A couple nights ago things were starting to get wild outside our door while the time for the dinner feeding was approaching.  So rather than let things escalate, Patti went and sat on the porch (it was dark outside) and on a tablet looked up Youtube videos about some things they fear to help educate them like about sharks?  Many of the children gathered around.  Did you know there are 47 different types of sharks, and only 3 kinds may attack humans?  Some sharks eat one time in three days, and human isn't on their menu.  So the chances of getting bit by a shark are pretty rare.  It is more likely that you will be in a auto accident.  The kids were pleasantly surprised and even watched video footage of people swimming with sharks.  So whether books or tablet, the porch provides a place and is a tool for people to gather and learn.

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